Monday 8 December 2014

Phenology and light pollution (part 2)

Part 2!

Currently there are no studies on plant phenology and light pollution (Neil and Wu,2006). Although I found this dodgy paper on light pollution impact on tree autumn phenology that reads like it was written by a child and hasn't got proper references

van Geffen et al. (2014) found that artificial light causes the male Mamestra brassicae (Fig. 1) caterpillar to pupate earlier, The females don't experience this. Differences in pupation duration are strong - by the time the adult moths from the control sample (dark) emerged, after 110 days, ~85% the light polluted moths had already emerged.

Fig. 1 Mamesra brassicae moth

I think there is generally not as much research on light pollution and phenology as compared with temperature and phenology.

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